Brynn Graham, DAOM, LAc
“Brynn Graham is a truly gifted healer. She provides the highest level of care and expertise for each patient and has a deep understanding of complex conditions.”
- Dr. Nicole L., chiropractic physician
I’m a practitioner of East Asian (previously referred to as Oriental) medicine and have had careers in both Western and East Asian medicines over the past 30 years. I understand and appreciate the inherent strengths in these two medicines and how they can work together to the benefit of the patient in dealing with their health issues.
I began my medical career as a X-ray technologist in a larger hospital in Portland, Oregon where I worked for more than a decade. There, I specialized in surgical X-ray but also performed general diagnostic imaging procedures in the radiology department.
After suffering with several chronic health conditions myself for a number of years, and not being content with a lifetime of pain and powerful prescription medications, I tried East Asian medicine. After several months of weekly acupuncture treatments and daily Chinese herbal medicine, my chronic health issues and my quality of life dramatically improved.
I was so impressed with what acupuncture and East Asian medicine had done to improve my life that I decided to enroll in the Master’s degree program at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM). I graduated from OCOM in 2001 and started my private practice in Portland shortly thereafter. Thirteen years later I made the decision to further educate myself, enrolling in the Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) post-graduate degree program at OCOM which focuses on treating women’s health issues and chronic conditions in aging adults, evidence-based medicine, integrative medicine, teaching, and research. I graduated from the DAOM program in 2018.
I am passionate about practicing acupuncture and East Asian medicine. I’ve steeped myself in education and training so that I can delve deep into the health concerns my patients come to me with. I’m continually amazed at what East Asian medicine and acupuncture can do on both physical and emotional levels to address acute and chronic health issues. Helping patients through this journey is what I’m truly passionate about.
I’ve been married to my wonderful husband (a native Mississippian) for thirty years, and am the proud mom of two adult children. I love cooking, travel, gardening, movies, and the arts.
Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine,
Oregon College of Oriental MedicineMasters in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine,
Oregon College of Oriental MedicineBA in Anthropology, Portland State University
Associate of Applied Science in Radiologic (X-Ray) Technology, Portland Community College
Certifications & Licensure
Mississippi Acupuncture License #000015
NCCAOM certified Diplomate of Acupuncture
Acu-current (with Dolphin Neurostim) certified
Facial Rejuvenation (Cosmetic) Acupuncture certified
“Brynn is excellent in providing care that's specific to each individual's needs. She listens closely and carefully builds a treatment plan to address areas of concern.”
- Marcy C.
Brynn specializes in treating all types of pain, women’s health issues, and many chronic conditions seen in aging adults. She has also received extensive training in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain conditions in both men and women.
Brynn combines both traditional and modern acupuncture with East Asian medicine treatment methods to bring the most benefit to her patients.
Brynn has many years of experience working in conjunction with physical therapists, pelvic floor physical therapists, chiropractors, MDs, DOs, naturopathic physicians, and nurse practitioners in helping patients achieve their health goals.